


Sound track for the painting:

L. van Beethoven. Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, Opus 55 (Heroic Symphony), L. Bernstein

R. Strauss. Morgen. H. Gerzmava, V. Spivakov

Aroma for the painting:
scented soap

Taste for the painting:
strawberries from Chernobyl








Technique: oil on canvas

Dimensions: 67 х 92 cm

Style: Positive Synergism
Сollection of The Institute of the Sun


Genius… is exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability, and a genius is a person who displays exceptionally superior intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of new advances in no matter which domain of knowledge… It is when the person, as Heinrich Heine wrote, 'for a new thought has a new word’...


This is the Matrix of the Genius Egregore!


In 1791 Napoleon in his treatise ‘What verities and feelings are most important for people to be happy?’ at the contest in Lyon Academy wrote, ‘Men of genius are meteors, which burn down to lighten their age’… The following words also belong to him – ‘Genius is an ability to distinguish the difficult from the impossible’… Smart!

Ludwig van Beethoven dedicated his third, Heroic, symphony in E-flat major to Napoleon! However, a little later, disillusioned with the policies of Napoleon, Beethoven withdrew his dedication from the score of the symphony, without changing a single note… But it is not the point… The point is that the genius Napoleone Buonaparte (that is how his name was pronounced in Corsica) inspired the genius Ludwig van Beethoven, who, in his turn, inspired the genius Louis Bernstein (this name was given to Leonard, the great American composer, conductor, and performer, by his grandmother after their move from the Russian Rovno to Lawrence, Massachusetts), and later he inspired.., and etc. Aren’t you inspired?!


Victoria Tokareva writes on this subject as follows, "... What is talent in general? This is an extra energy, which seeks a way out. And it finds. The energy of someone else's talent influences me. I feel it.
Genius is something different. The Genius is a conduit between the Creator and the people. The Creator through Geniuses transmits its messages.
I stand before the frescoes by Giotto and 700 years later receive the signal."


As a rule, genius presupposes extremely high tempo of working and exceptionally great efficiency. ‘Genius is inability to do nothing’ (S. Dubo) …

Quite often the notion of genius is replaced by notions of talent, or vice versa... Nevertheless, when creating something, a talented person 'thinks, but with a genius it just happens’ (M. Kazinik) …
Thanks to Bernard Shaw, it is common knowledge that 'talent does what it can, genius does what it must’! Thus, recognition, all possible prizes, awards, and other chimeras leave Genius indifferent… He has own understanding of his purpose in life; and performance of his duty is his meaning of life and his highest award!

‘Oh, Muse, remain obedient to God’s dictates,
don’t fear getting hurt, don’t crave a crown,
treat flattery and slander with indifference,
and never argue with a fool.’ (А. S. Pushkin – he himself being... Genius!)

As to humor, sarcasm, irony, paradox… - they are good accelerators of Genius! Therefore, strawberries are from Chernobyl… Genius does not accumulate insult, and strawberries do not accumulate radiation! Besides, strawberries symbolize not only sexual desire… In the middle ages strawberries were served at solemn feasts as a symbol of peace and prosperity... Actually, exactly for the wellbeing of the human race Geniuses are sent to us!


Within the whole history of our civilization in heaven (a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after…, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky) there is host to lots of Geniuses… William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Richard Wagner, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Sergei Korolev, Yuri Gagarin, Vladimir Vysotsky…
And there is a strong desire to believe that it is only a beginning – Morning for Humanity – and the main events are still expected to happen!
By the way, have you seen yourself in the Mirror? – ‘Let someone be a genius flute player, but a more genius listener you used to be’!

© 2015-2025 The Institute of the Sun
Pictures of the paintings: Sergrei Didyk