

"When I grow up I want to become Russian!"
A Syrian boy

"I am Russian! Live America..."
Stan Yampolsky






By K. Frolov-Crymsky
Equirhythmic translation by Em Rostverg


"We are Russians - what a delight!"
                                                       A. V. Suvorov


A snob with a falsely downhearted face,
"Huddling" in his Porsche, pronounced,
"I am ashamed to be called Russian on the earth
And to belong to good for nothing drunks".    
His thorough looks and his demeanor -
The devil cleverly had figured out both.
But the merciless virus of depravity
Disgracefully ate out all his soul.
And now it is not worth even a penny,
Like a yellow leaf from a broken branch.
But Pushkin, with his Ethiopian origin, unlike him,
Was glad to belong to the Russian clan and land.
And Kruzenshtern, and Bellingshausen -
Creators of the Russian maritime prestige,
They did consider themselves Russians rightly -
They proudly raised their homeland from its knees.
And being not much tolerant with narrow worldview,
Trying to peer beyond all possible horizon ends,
Greig, de Tolly, and Learmonth enjoyed the honor
To be called Russians, though authentically they were Scots.
Anyone of them is admiration worthy -
To praise their homeland was the law of them!
So gave his life, with no regret, for Russia…
Georgian prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration.
Our language is so versatile, so genuine, so perfect -
It heals the soul; it stabs much better than a knife.
Are we that capable of appreciating it immensely
And knowing it as did our Danish Dahl?
Come on… why Dahl? In our time, are there many
Who know the powerful and great tongue so,
As did Khokhol Mykola Gogol,
Who was familiar with Pushkin long ago?
Don’t bang your head against the brick wall
So furiously spluttering in vain!
"We’re Russians!" - used to say Shevchenko.
Read thoroughly the Kobzar once again.
Suvorov, Ushakov, Ivan Kulibin,
Mendeleev, Lomonosov, and Popov…
In their lifetime, working until wet shirts,
They cherished filial love in their souls.
Their names were engraved on tablets
As the true history key rudiments.
And among them, as a pillar, old man Derzhavin,
With the blood of a Tatar Mirza in veins.
They could be servants or Messiahs…
Who carried their crosses on the shoulders bowed,
Same as… was carrying in the name of the whole Russia -
A Turk’s descendant Admiral Kolchak.
They have instilled and nurtured love
From age-old origins and roots.
Russian is the one, whose soul does live in Russia,
Whose thoughts are all about it - the motherland.
You cannot get patriotism as a bonus
To the coat, which doesn’t fit.
And if you're ashamed to be called Russian,
My dear, you are not Russian, you are just… not it.









Music by A. Marshall
Lyrics by V. Kobets

Performing A. Marshall
Equirhythmic translation by Em Rostverg
I am Russian, I’m that very "Colorado",
"Soviet washout", “rushist” and “who sucks".
The one who loves both vodka and parades,
I am a scion of a triumphant soldier.
Do not rejoice, we haven’t gone extinct.
We are many, used not to have a belly full.
Our humanity has been implanted by life
In the wards of the dying Union.
Not all of us, of course, have well survived.
But those who did - became as strong as steel is.

Now Russians triply Russians are,

Have sprung from ashes of your morals...

For us the motherland and mother are sacred,
The world is afraid of us, because it knows:
To those, who "cannot Russia comprehend",
It, as usually, lucidly explains them,
That in the world, apart from income sources,
There’s decency, and dignity, and honor.
And our, Russian "I'm coming for you!"-
For you, my friends, alas, is really bad news.
We shouldn’t learn our fortitude from you:
You have already seen how we can fight.
And if you don’t want to remember it,
We’ll remind you and explain again.
Do not touch Russia, gentlemen.
Remember: if we are hit, we just grow stronger.
Please, hear us! And if you don’t, then…
Then we will also not hold back...
No use to make us face an acid test.
The overseas guy, you are not The Messiah.
Think, brother: RUSSIA isn’t Bosnia.
Think twice, whom you dare want to fight.
Think, brother: RUSSIA isn’t Syria.

Think twice, and don’t touch our motherland.







Music by A. Marshall
Lyrics by S. Efimov

Performing A. Marshall
Equirhythmic translation by Em Rostverg
The skies for me have suddenly turned into hell,
A treacherous blow from behind the corner...
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
Hitting in the back, they know - they won’t miss,
They hit so meanly in the vulnerable spots...
And the pain that started somewhere in the fuselage
Stabs me from the cockpit to the tail.
The earth will embrace me, taking me forever,
Let my black box by the darkness be absorbed.
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
What the hell is happening to this world?
I cannot make out through the fire and smoke.
I am not Charlie; I am The Sukhoi Su-24!
And where are the signs with my name on?
The nosedive will spin in... and dizziness
Will mix up all in a kaleidoscope.
I am not given any chance to be saved,
I meet the inevitable forehead to forehead.
The earth will embrace me, taking me forever,
Let my black box by the darkness be absorbed.
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
Having caught a missile right after launch,
I have no longer hope for the afterburner
And cannot understand how I am still in flight,
And still hold on... - Farewell, my crew!
While the cockpit isn’t yet on fire,
I’ll brake a bit to stop the thrust.
Seconds are quickly ticking… Jump, guys! -
That's all I really can do for you, my friends!
The earth will embrace me, taking me forever,
Just a jiffy, and the darkness will absorb.
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
The earth will embrace me, taking me forever,
Let my black box by the darkness be absorbed.
I am an aircraft with a human soul,
With a variable geometry of a wing.
I am an aircraft with a human soul, 
With a variable geometry of a wing.

© 2015-2025 The Institute of the Sun
Pictures of the paintings: Sergrei Didyk