


Music by D. Tukhmanov
Lyrics by V. Haritonov
Singing L. Leschenko

Equirhythmic translation by Em Rostverg


Victory Day, it was so far from us,
Dwindling like an ember in a faded past.
We’ve gone miles in soot, in dirt’n’dust -
We were hastening it trying very hard.
Oh, this Victory Day, with yet gunpowder smells,
It’s a celebration with already temples gray.
It’s rejoicing with men’s tears in our eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Non-stop smelting metals in its furnaces,
Our Homeland did not get a wink of sleep,
Days and nights the battle never ceased -
We, hastening the day, felt ill at ease.
Oh, this Victory Day, with yet gunpowder smells,
It’s a celebration with already temples gray.
It’s rejoicing with men’s tears in our eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Hi, Mom, hardly all of us are back...
It’d be good to run barefoot on morning grass!
Half of Europe, we have stridden half the Earth -
Hastening this day with strength and force.
Oh, this Victory Day, with yet gunpowder smells,
It’s a celebration with already temples gray.
It’s rejoicing with men’s tears in our eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Oh, this Victory Day, with yet gunpowder smells,
It’s a celebration with already temples gray.
It’s rejoicing with men’s tears in our eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!


Victory Day!


© 2015-2025 The Institute of the Sun
Pictures of the paintings: Sergrei Didyk