

From the movie Two Soldiers


Music by N. Bogoslovsky
Lyrics by V. Agatov

Performing M. Bernes

Equirhythmic translation by Em Rostverg



Dark is the night, only bullets are whistling in steppe,
Only winds are so strong outside, stars are flickering faintly.
At this dark night, you aren’t sleeping, my dearest love,
by the baby’s small crib you are tired, wiping secretly tears.

I love so much all the depth of your beautiful eyes.
How would I like to press my lips to them right now there!
But this dark night separates us, my dearest love,
and the dark, troubled steppe lies between, between you and my longing.

I have my faith… in you, dearest love of my life.
And this faith shields me from all attacks at these dark gloomy nights...
I am so glad, I am calm in these fatal attacks:
I’m sure, you’ll meet me with love, and no matter what happens.

Death is not fatal, we have met it before many times...
And even now it looms over me once more here.
You wait for me, sitting long sleepless nights by the crib,
and I know that with me nothing might ever happen, my dear!



© 2015-2025 The Institute of the Sun
Pictures of the paintings: Sergrei Didyk