

From the movie Silence

Music by V. Basner
Lyrics by M. Matusovsky
Translated by Em Rostverg



Smoke flew from groves beneath the mountain
The sun was setting in the blaze…
There was just three of us remaining
From our eighteen-soldier squad.
How many them, my closest friends,
Were left in darkness, they had lain,
Close by some unfamiliar hamlet
Atop the height that had no name. 

The flares, glowing like extinct stars,
Illuminated the skyline.
Those who have witnessed it at least once
Will not forget until they die.
They won’t forget it, won’t forget it…
Violent attacks that happened there…
Close by some unfamiliar hamlet
Atop the height that had no name.

Above us Messerschmitts were circling,
And it was seen as in broad day.
But only stronger friends became we
In the artillery cross-fire hell.
Through hard times that we knew together
We all stayed loyal to the dream

Close by some unfamiliar hamlet
Atop the height that had no name.

I often see the guys in my dream -
Friends of the wartime days of mine,
The earth-house dug into a hillside
With a burnt pine tree over it.
As if right now, I stand beside them
Right on the firing line again -
Close by some unfamiliar hamlet
Atop the height that had no name. 


© 2015-2025 The Institute of the Sun
Pictures of the paintings: Sergrei Didyk