
Thank You for Your existence!
Thank You for the existence of my family, friends, and people I know!
Thank You for my existence!
Thank You for everything I do and have!
I love You and, therefore, approach You again and again!
- Please, help my love for my close ones be my religion; my every word be a prayer; forests, orchards, fields and mountains be my temple; rivers, lakes, seas and oceans be my holy water; conscience be my Preacher and joy be my guiding star!
- Please, help me find that only place in the Universe, which has been meant for me, and help me act in harmony with and for the benefit of the Universe!
- Please, help me attain such level of perfection and Knowledge that allows me to enjoy real freedom, perfect harmony, true love and complete happiness!
- Please, help me realize the full potential of my talents and abilities, ambitions and positive wishes!
- Please, help me provide for myself a rich and versatile spiritual inner life, and realize it!
- Please, help me be generous; value other people’s time and my own; always keep my word and always successfully finish everything I start doing; in any circumstances and lovingly tell everyone the truth; easily forgive anyone’s weaknesses and always see, recognize, admit and correct my own mistakes!
- Please, help me understand the meaning of and the reasons for everything happening in my life and around me; see beauty everywhere, in everyone and in everything; enjoy integrity, confidence; keep calm, and be full of energy, will power and enthusiasm!
- Please, help me keep my body, mind, soul, and spirit clear, healthy, active and beautiful; my dwelling and environment – clean, tidy, beautiful and scenting!
- Please, help me always be the master of my fate and the captain of my soul, and always remember that I am a reflection of You and Your Divine Perfection, and with Your name on my lips I can create anything I wish!
- Please, help me always remember that everything happens according to Your Divine Will - for the better in this best of all worlds!
Please, let my plea be amplified and used for the benefit of my and all other souls in need of this in our Universe right now! And let it be that good or even better according to Your Divine Will!
My Creator,
I ask You for Your help and in return, I offer my whole self – my help, gratitude, love and faith!
May there always be Sunshine!
May there always be blue sky!
May there always be my family, friends, and people I know!
May there always be me! And all over around – Your Divine Grace,